Auf diesem Bild greift sich ein Mann an sein schmerzendes Ellenbogengelenk. Erfahre, was bei Ellenbogenbeschwerden hilft.

Our elbows are among the most important joints in our body. Without them, we would not be able to bend our arms and turn our hands. This means that the elbow joints are constantly in use and subjected to quite some strain. Pain in the elbow or the crook of the arm is therefore a warning signal that should not be ignored.

The elbow has a decisive function: as the lynchpin between the upper arm and the forearm, it not only allows us to bend our arms. Certain hand movements are also controlled via the elbow. Symptoms in the elbow can therefore affect the mobility of the hands and radiate into the entire arm.

Elbow pain – symptoms and triggers

Auf diesem Bild greift sich ein Mann an seinen schmerzenden Ellenbogen. Erfahre mehr über Hilfsmaßnahmen bei Gelenkbeschwerden und wie Bauerfeind-Produkte dir dabei helfen können.

Symptoms in the elbow are frequently caused by inappropriate mechanical stress or excessive strain. Anyone who frequently has to perform repetitive movements, lift heavy loads or adopt an unhealthy posture during work has an increased risk for joint conditions. However, during leisure time as well, elbow pain can be caused by carrying objects such as shopping bags incorrectly, or excessive strain during DIY activities, gardening or housework. Athletes should also take care: inadequate muscle warm-ups and incorrect acquired postures and movements – particularly for sports involving striking such as tennis or golf – can place excessive strain on the elbow joint.


In these cases, elbow pain often occurs on the inside. But elbow pain can also occur on the outside. For some people, symptoms come without evident triggers, while others feel pain in the elbow during specific movements, for instance while stretching.

Diagnosing elbow problems


Whether in the crook of the arm or on the outside of the elbow – it’s important to find out what’s causing the pain. That’s because the only way to counteract the problem in time is by not ignoring the symptoms.

Only your physician can answer exactly what is wrong in your elbow. Particularly if you experience severe and/or regular pain in the elbow along with restriction of movement, it is essential for you to consult a physician immediately. That’s why our recommendation is to request a consultation and get a thorough examination. The more precise the information you can give your physician about your symptoms, the more effectively they will be able to help you and make the right diagnosis.


Zu sehen ist eine Ärztin, die den Ellenbogen ihres Patienten untersucht, um die Ursache für seine Schmerzen zu diagnostizieren


We have compiled a checklist for you to have all the details at a glance and make sure you don’t forget anything – so you can describe your symptoms accurately and be perfectly prepared for the appointment with your physician.


Download the checklist

Pain in the elbow: possible causes

The underlying cause of elbow symptoms may be conditions such as osteoarthritis or the obscure-sounding disorder idiopathic ulnar neuropathy. However, irritation is a particularly frequent cause of elbow pain. Here you can learn more about the most frequent elbow injuries and diseases:

Illustration der Anatomie des Ellenbogens mit einem Golferellenbogen. Beim Golferellenbogen (Epicondylitis ulnaris humeri, Epicondylitis medialis humeri) sind die Muskelansätze an der inneren Seite des Ellenbogens entzündet oder geschädigt.

Golfer’s elbow refers to an inflammation of the flexor tendons on the inside of the elbow joint. A typical indication is pain in the area of the elbow joint, which is amplified by rotational movements or fist closure.



Illustration der Anatomie des Ellenbogens mit einem Golfarm.

Golf arm can result from excessive strain on the forearm muscle, for example. This may cause pain to radiate from the elbow joint into the entire arm.



Illustration der Anatomie des Ellenbogens mit einer vorliegenden Sehnenansatzreizung.

The tendon attachments at the elbow become irritated due to repetitive strain and they can become inflamed. The consequence: severe dragging or stabbing pain.



Darstellung der Anatomie des Ellenbogens mit einer Tennisarm-Erkrankung.

Repetitive, one-sided strain of the arms or hand can lead to tennis arm. This means that “tennis arm” doesn’t just come from playing tennis! The cause, however, can also be chronic conditions, such as osteoarthritis, gout, or rheumatism.



Darstellung der Anatomie des Ellenbogens mit einer vorliegenden Tennisellenbogenerkrankung.

Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the extensor tendons on the outside of the elbow joint. The cause is excessive strain on the muscles and tendons – which doesn’t necessarily have to come from playing sports either.



Regardless of which cause is responsible for your elbow pain, if the pain goes untreated, there is a major risk that it will become chronic. That’s why it’s important in any case to identify and treat the trigger as early as possible, together with your physician. This is the only way to prevent further injury.

Therapy and treatment options


Depending on the cause of your symptoms, your physician will advise you on a suitable treatment. Your physician can also assess how parallel conditions impact the choice of the right therapy for you. In general, most elbow symptoms are treated through non-surgical care: The joint is immobilized and has to be rested for a period of time. For acute pain, anti-inflammatory medications or ointments may also be used under certain circumstances.


If you learn in consultation with your physician that specific activities and daily movements are causing your pain, it is important to discuss: To what extent is it possible to avoid or at least reduce these harmful movements? And if this is not feasible: How can the movements be adjusted to minimize the symptoms? What kind of additional support is advisable?

Sichtbar ist eine Physiotherapeutin, die den Ellenbogen ihrer Patientin behandelt.

Your physician may also recommend physiotherapy. In general, there are some simple stretching and strengthening exercises that can help to relieve your symptoms. But make sure to discuss with your physician which of these exercises are suitable for you!

Supports: Stability and relief

As mentioned, relief of the joint is generally a significant component of treatment for elbow pain. In this process, Bauerfeind’s elbow supports can be helpful: they provide stability to your elbow without restricting mobility. The compression knit exerts gentle intermittent compression during activity and massages the enclosed tissue. This stimulates the stabilizing joint muscles and supports the healing process.


The supports are specially designed so that you can wear them comfortably underneath your clothing. The particularly soft knit fabric makes them comfortable to wear in everyday life and during sports.

Get to know our products for the elbow:

This elbow support stabilizes your joint and provides relief during movement. Two anatomically contoured pads ensure that the compression exerted by the support is redistributed to the surrounding soft tissue and specifically promote the healing process. The activation of muscles during movement helps to reduce pain and promotes the neuromuscular stabilization of the joint.

EpiTrain - Titan


Elbow support for pain relief
EpiTrain alleviates pain in the elbow and improves its mobility. The effective knitted fabric and specially contoured pads provide relief and make it possible to start mobility training at an early stage.

The epicondylitis brace provides targeted relief for the tendon insertions on the elbow. During movement, it exerts a regulated amount of pressure on the tendon and muscle insertion, thereby targeting the cause of pain. This helps to relieve symptoms and strategically promote the healing process.

EpiPoint - Titan


Pain-relieving epicondylitis brace for irritated tendon insertions
EpiPoint can be positioned either on the right or left arm using an elastic Velcro fastening. A five-point pad stimulates the painful tendon insertion on the inner or outer side of your elbow.


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